Why Does Water Bottle Has Bubbles In It? has bacteria?
If you drink plastic bottle water a lot then you might have seen a bunch of bubbles in the plastic water bottles after some time.
Then you might have a bunch of questions jumping around in your mind after seeing mineral water bubbles :
- Why water bottle has bubbles?
- why do bubbles form in water bottles?
- is it safe to drink water with bubbles in it?
- or does bubbles in water bottle contains bacteria?
Well, jeez this is something I always used to think about in my childhood. It’s obvious if the water is carbonated, either from a natural source or by bottler injection, it will have bubbles.
Some bottlers also package cold water which has the bottle expand with air pressure once it warms up.
Why Your Water Bottle Smells And Methods To Clean
Bottled still water (the sort without carbonation) contains a small amount of dissolved air (about 10-15 mg per liter)
Air * is more soluble in cold water than in warm water, so if you allow a bottle of water from the refrigerator to warm to room temperature some of the air will come out of the solution and form tiny bubbles on the side of the bottle.
* oxygen mainly with a smaller amount of nitrogen
That’s fair but why are there bubbles in my water in the morning? or why do bubbles form in water overnight?
Is there something going on at midnight?
Hold on! hold on! we’ll talk about everything in this article.
Why water bottle has bubbles in it?
Before I tell you why are there bubbles in the water bottles?
First for what kind of water are you talking about?
If you are talking about tap water drinking distilled then here is the answer:
Tap water has Carbonic Acid, which is just CO2 that is liquefied in bottled water. If you de-gas the water there may be fewer bubbles.
The sponging inside of your water bottle (presumably plastic) is allowing the dissolved gasses to attach to the walls, release the water molecule, and then let the gas build-up.
Mainly the gas bubbles that are stuck to the walls need to have
- got big enough to escape the walls or
- receive a large enough shock to get them to release on their own.
We all know that plastic bottle isn’t perfectly smooth on the surface. There are microscopic pockets of air along the walls of the bottle. As bubbles form, they attract each other, Sort of like watching water roll down the window on a rainy day.
So the question isn’t necessarily why they are attracted to the walls, but what keeps the air in place along the walls of the bottle?
You can see in the picture below the air bubble shape surface inside the bottle.

If you dive a little deep, The plastic bottles are made by a process called Blow-molding(HDPE, PP) or Stretch Blow-molding(PET).
During the blow molding process, the material is heated and stretched along length and width(bidirectional) using air. This creates roughness on the inner surface of the bottle. This roughness is so small, which is difficult to feel with bare hands. Roughness on the surface acts as high(nucleation) points.
Water has many dissolved gases. These dissolved gases are trapped and not visible to the naked eye. Surface roughness acts as a ventilation path(or point) for trapped gas to escape from water to the atmosphere.
These dissolved gases which separate from water due to Hydro-scopic pressure form into a bubble and the same hydro-scopic pressure prevents them from coming to the top of the water’s surface.
Usually, bubbles are formed in many materials, the difference is based on the surface roughness and visibility.
For example, glass bottles have less surface roughness than blow-molded plastic bottles. Metal bottles have the same or higher surface roughness as plastic bottles, but you cannot see the bubble formation easily.
Find out if is it safe to drink water with bubbles in it.
Yes it is safe to drink bubble water, Because they are just an air that was originally dissolved in the water, the warmth of the sun makes the air come out of the water, give them a shake and cool them down in the refrigerator or just drink them anyway.
If you want to know a brief explanation then here you have:
Water in PET bottles is generally safe to drink. If stored above 60C(140F) for 2 weeks, the antimony used in many PET bottles will leach into the water to levels that exceed EU standards.
In most of the first world, this is not much of a problem.
Glass bottles also leach significant chemicals into the water at higher temperatures. Glass leeches about half as much as plastic leaches but a wider range of chemicals. Normally this is not a problem since it takes fairly high temperatures for weeks or months.
How To Check?
Given the low cost of bottled water, any defect should cause you to throw it away (recycle it).
No manufacturing system is perfect mistakes are made, and things are stored wrong. If it looks or smells off, don’t consume it.
You see bubbles, ok, probably safe. Open it, smell it. Still, seems ok? Taste it, any off-flavor? If not, good chance it’s perfectly safe.
Read more here: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1082013217690300

So, It is quite harmless and unrelated to any possible contamination by the presence of unwanted micro-organisms.
Interestingly, carbonation will resist microbial growth. With some natural spring waters, the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide helps keep the water free from microbial activity.
So I always recommend you, where there is any doubt about the microbial integrity of any food or drink, always use your nose and taste sensors as the first indicator of unwanted changes, or even lapses in quality control by the food and drinks manufacturer.
Are bubbles in water bottle bacteria dangerous?
If you can see, “visible”, a bubble in your plastic bottle of water or mineral water.
Then you can assume that there has been a “miss happening” in the production process for that bottle or it might contain some bacteria in it.
And seriously, It happens, from time to time, when they start up the process.
The answer to this question is no it doesn’t contain any kind of bacteria if it is sealed properly and doesn’t have manufacturing defects.
Normally, The manufacturer will scrap the first few bottles made, and then it would be ok. But sometimes, there is a “glitch”. Most, (but not everyone) have a camera installed “in-line” with the production. This camera will take a picture of every single bottle. And, should there be a “fault”, then this will be taken aside.
This system was “new” around 1998–2001. I Guess many manufacturers have this today.
If not, well, it’s not a big deal. As long as the bubble is so small, the bottle itself is “functional”. Then there should not be any concerns.
This might be a problem for your local store. If the bottle has mineral water in it, and the pressure is “increased” during transport, (as it usually is), then the bottle might leak.

So, if you buy the bottle, and it is visually ok, then “your” bottle survived a long trip. With temperature differences, mechanical load (handling), and more.
Fortunately, it would survive the short time it will be with you also.
The bubble itself is probably a “gas bubble”, made during production. It will contain the most moisture, and “air”.
Most (not all ) plastic bottles are made up of several layers of polymer. So, if the bubble is in the middle of all those layers, then the “content” inside the bottle, will not be exposed to the inside of that bubble.
If your bottle has a “leak”, then contact someone inside your local store, and have them take it away. Find a new one, I don’t recommend you to drink that water as that contains some bacteria and the product might be damaged.
This is typically a “fault” that should be one of them, “less than 1 per million” faults.
So, it is not a very common problem, no need to worry about it.
Why are there bubbles in my water in the morning After Overnight?
You might have found many times when you put water in your bottle and wake up in the morning and you saw a bunch of bubbles and kind of wonder why bubbles form in water overnight.
Essentially, Just like I said in previous situations these bubbles are due to the difference in solubility of gases in water at different temperatures.
Gases are more soluble in cold water than in hot water because an increase in temperature causes an increase in the kinetic energy of the water and gas molecules.
The higher kinetic energy causes more motion in these molecules enabling the gas molecules to break the intermolecular bonds that hold them dissolved in the water, allowing them to escape from the solution.
If the water in the glass is originally cold, there will be a lot more gas molecules dissolved in the water, which will come out of the solution as the water slowly heats up to room temperature, forming bubbles.

A more dramatic effect is manifested with a domestic hot water system.
Hot water from the tap will often spurt out due to degassing of mains water during the heating process. The spurting is not caused by air entrainment through bad plumbing seals as most plumbers will respond with!
Just like moisture on mains infeed pipes is not due to ‘porous’ pipework but to condensation of water vapor from the atmosphere.
Why do bubbles stick to the side of a glass? Causes
In the case of glass water. It also contains dissolved oxygen. If it didn’t, it would taste pretty awful.
The inside of your glass may appear smooth but under a microscope, it is actually quite rough. The microscopic roughness of the glass surface creates nucleation sites that allow oxygen to concentrate at these points and form tiny bubbles.
If you drink the water, it will possibly taste a little odd because it has lost the dissolved oxygen. Take a sip. then stir it vigorously for 30 seconds with a spoon or swizzle stick and taste it again. It will taste different because you have re-incorporated oxygen back into the water.

The gas is mainly a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide (air, in other words).
Cold water dissolves more oxygen than warm water. As your cup warms to room temperature some stored gas forms bubbles.
Note that the “air” in these bubbles should be enriched in oxygen, since of the two dominant air gases (nitrogen and oxygen), oxygen has the higher water solubility; hence more oxygen will be available to be desorbed.
Read here for more: Air Solubility in Water
Why are there bubbles in my filtered water?
Well, It’s basically a similar case to filtered water just like on the normal bottle of water.
It is simply extra gasses in the water separating due to minor pressure shifts.
According to Bertolli’s principle,
Any gas or liquid in motion is at a lower pressure than similar gas or liquid at rest around it.
This means as the water flows in and out of the tank pressure fluctuates. These fluctuations cause minute amounts of dissolved gas (probably O²) to coalesce bubbles against the first convenient surface.
That can be the side of the tank or microscopic particulates in the water (in this case filtration salts).
Well, at this point you’ve already got the answer of what it means when a water bottle has bubbles & mostly mineral water bubbles in a plastic water bottle is nothing to worry about.
As the cold water from the tap (faucet) has a little air dissolved in it. When the water warms to room temperature most of this air comes out of the water which causes tiny bubbles.
It happens with glass bottles or any other cups, glass too.
So if you are thinking is bad for you or sort of dangerous then no need to worry, you can drink it without thinking too much about it.
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