Why put a tennis ball on luggage while flying?
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For some weird reason, why pack a tennis ball in your luggage while flying on an airplane? It might seem like the strangest advice ever to put a tennis ball between your luggage in the bag inside the plane!
What exactly is the purpose of carrying this item? and why do travel experts recommend carrying it so strongly?
In this article, we’re going to tell you why you should pack a tennis ball in your luggage and also talk about whether can you bring a tennis ball on an airplane or not!!
Whether you’re getting around by car, train, or plane, traveling can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, even if you love it. Your flight can get delayed by a lot right?
Sitting in close quarters for a long flight can slow blood circulation and cause the muscles to cramp. Your ears can pop during take-off and landing.
So In this article, we’re going to tell you some tips that will make your next trip a breeze!
For example, make sure you have an empty water bottle in your carry-on. That way, you can get past security with no problem and then just fill the bottle up at the airport.
Most have drinking fountains, so you’ll save some cash! Now let’s talk about why carry a tennis ball in your luggage on a flight.
So why put a tennis ball in your carry while traveling on a flight? why do is it advisable to pack a tennis ball in your hand luggage on a plane?
Are there any major problems that you have to face if you won’t bring them in the first place?
Let’s find out!

Considering that most of the passengers on all airlines travel om economy class. So it’s no secret to anyone, how tiring and painful sitting in a
This is where the tennis ball comes into the place.
Tennis balls can act as an expensive massage machine on the plane. Fortunately, It will help you to relieve pain, improve blood circulation and relieve tightness of that situation.
Having this item in your suitcase can prevent blood clots during long flights or road trips as well.
Rolling the ball along your body relaxes stiff muscles and stimulates blood flow.
The tennis ball is the perfect choice to carry in your hand luggage during travel due to its small size and lack of any disturbance and it’s also one of the items available at airport security.
And when massaging the body with the ball there are certain areas on your body that you should specifically target.
There are areas that include major body parts such as
- ankles
- thighs
- legs(particularly the calf muscles)
- upper back and shoulders
The massage is done by applying light pressure to each area while rolling the ball.
It seems simple, isn’t it? Yes, it is so whenever you travel next time on a long flight keep this trick in your mind, It really helps a lot.
Yes, you can take unopened tennis balls on a plane.
Security will allow you to carry a tennis ball so you don’t have to worry about that.
We know, traveling can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, even if you love it. That’s why I’m bringing you more tips including this one, that should make your next trip a breeze and are very helpful for day-to-day travelers.
So it’s very useful to pack a couple of tennis balls in your carry-on.
Though sitting in such close quarters for a long flight can slow blood circulation and cause the muscles to if you take one or two tennis balls with you on the plane, you can use them as little massagers to relieve and prevent that pain.
Just roll it around your ankles, calves, legs, wrists, back, and shoulders.
These are important areas to target because they are hotspots for circulation and the ball will relax those big muscle groups.
So why carry a tennis ball in your luggage? you pretty much got it right!!
But why should stop here?
We have plenty of tips and ideas that you can try out while traveling on a plane, so let’s check them out.
So you got the idea about why carry a tennis ball in your suitcase on a plane, now let’s see the other hacks that will help your travel journey be much more fun and interesting.
It will help your journey be more enjoyable and counteract some problems that might occur while flying.

1. Keep some chewing gum
Now, I’m not talking about chewing Mint gum for when you forgot to bring a toothbrush on a long flight, although I’m sure your neighbor would appreciate that if you decided to have a chat.
Chewing on some gum actually keeps your ears from popping during takeoff and landing. The magic isn’t really in the gum itself. It’s all that saliva you produce and swallow in the process. Sucking on some hard candy or amend works the same way.
2. Pillowcase
what happens if your flight gets delayed by a lot? If you have a pillowcase in your carry-on, then you can just stuff some clothes into it, and Bam, instant pillow.
Now you can sneak in a nap while you wait. Oh, yeah, bonus tip that’s related to this point, you should always have at least one outfit, including socks and undergarments, in your carry-on. If your baggage gets lost, you’ll appreciate the change of clothes.
3. Trash bag
Oh, okay.
Last tip for what you should stuff into that little carry-on luggage. A trash bag or two will be a lifesaver when you come out of the airport at your destination only to be met.
Put the trash bags over your carry-on and check your luggage and your stuff won’t get soaked through.
4. Keep your clothes smelling fresh
Whether you roll them in your suitcase to make extra room or you’re a folder. Lay some dryer sheets in your clothes as you’re packing. The dryer sheets will keep your garments smelling fresh and clean like they’ve come straight from the
Yes, but they’ll still be all wrinkled. Hang on, now I’m getting there.
5. Trick for wrinkle-free clothes.
I get it. The first thing you want to do after that flight is to change your
What is it about airplanes that makes your clothes feel so dirty afterward? Does anybody have an idea?
Hey, let me know in the comment section down below.
Anyway, layer some tissue paper between them while you’re packing it’ll. Keep your stuff from wrinkling.
6. Put a fragile label on your suitcase
If your luggage is marked as fragile, it will be handled more carefully by baggage personnel. Plus, it will likely be put on top of the other bags so when you get the baggage claim, your suitcase will be the first one to come out on the belt. There you
Now you’re out of the airport that much quicker.
7. Instant razor guard
Grab a binder clip and clamp it onto the blades of your razor when you pack.
This will save you from any accidental and painful injuries as you’re digging through your suitcase looking for something fresh to change into after that flight.
8. Make your suitcase stand out
You don’t need to go out and buy expensive and flashy luggage. Use a plain, basic suitcase and tie a bright ribbon around one of the handles. You can also get creative and put cool stickers on the sides or so in a neat design.
If your bag is made from nylon, the point is you’ll be able to spot your suitcase right away at the baggage claim.
9. Keep your clothes nice and clean
When you’re packing, wrap your shoes up in shower caps. This will prevent the bottoms from dirtying the rest of your clothes.
You can also continue to use the shower caps in your hotel room to put your shoes in so that you don’t get dirt and grime on the floor or vice versa because that hotel room floor might be even dirtier than your
Time to change hotels. Get some new shower gaps before you head back home so that everything in your suitcase stays clean.
10. No more tangled cords when you’re flying or driving
Keep all your Chargers and power cords in a good size sunglasses case.
It’ll keep them from getting tangled or torn.
11. Organize your jewelry on the go
You know those pill containers with little boxes for each day of the week?
They’re also a great way to store and organize your jewelry or any other small items when you’re traveling.
Keeping pairs of earrings together with chains or necklaces separated in their own little compartment will keep them from getting lost or tangled
Turn out to bring too much expensive jewelry on your trip, though there’s always the risk of valuable items getting lost or stolen.
12. Don’t lose your Bobby pins
Too bad Bobby pins don’t fit in those pill containers, eh?
Well, you can use an old Mint container that opens and closes. It’s not just a travel tip, but a good idea to do at home, there.
Now you’ll have a safe place to put them instead of on the nightstand or bathroom counter, where they can get brushed off and lost forever.
13. Keep your shirt collar stiff
Got a business meeting or a nice dinner plan when you arrive, keep your shirt collars nice and crisp by lining them with a belt. And now you don’t have to spend time digging around for your
It’s right there with your shirt. A twofer.
14. Support your back on a flight
Most Airlines provide a pillow and blanket so that passengers can get a nap in during a flight. Take that little pillow and put it behind your lower
You’d be surprised at the amount of support it’ll give. Just don’t forget a neck pillow, too.
15. Book a really early or late flight
The majority of people can’t stand getting up early or staying up late, so these flights are often cheaper.
If you book an early flight, you can get to your destination first thing and maximize those vacation days.
If you book a late-night flight, you’ll have plenty of time to plan during the day to get to the airport on
Either way, you’ll save time and money.
16. Go Big on Lunch
Speaking of money, paying for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day can get expensive fast.
Lunch prices are much cheaper than dinnertime ones, so filling up in the middle of the day should give your budget some wiggle room.
A good lunch should also cut down on those late-afternoon snacks that we usually crave before dinner.
17. Help Your Body With Jet Lag
If you’re going to be switching time zones, start making changes to your sleep pattern the day before you
This may mean staying up later or going to bed earlier, but it will help with the jet lag in the long run. Also, when you land, don’t give in to your tiredness.
Taking a nap as soon as you get to your hotel will mess up your internal clock even more. Try to carry on with the day as you normally would or as you plan.
18. Carry an Empty Water Bottle With You
Oops, I forgot the one more item you should cram into that already stuffed carry on
Make sure there’s an empty water bottle in there. That way you can get past security with no problem and then just fill the bottle up.
At the airport, most have drinking fountains, so you’ll save some cash and you’ll need that water on the plane.
So here’s my final tip number.
19. Drink Water
The air inside airplane cabins tends to be very
Drink plenty of water or another drink that contains electrolytes to prevent dehydration. Staying hydrated helps with jet lag too, and it prevents headaches and muscle cramps.
The coffee, tea, soda, and sugary juices might be tempting when the flight attendant comes around, but your body really just needs water when you’re in that cabin bon voyage, and remember not to eat a lot of beans right before a long-haul flight.
My own personal advice.
Let’s recap the summary of why take a tennis ball on a flight:
- – If you take 1 or 2 tennis balls with you on the plane, you can use them as little massagers to relieve and prevent that pain. Roll it along with your ankles, calves, legs, wrists, back, and shoulders.
- – Chewing on some gum actually keeps your ears from popping during take-off and landing.
- – A trash bag or two will be a lifesaver when you come out of the airport at your destination only to be met by…rain!
- – The dryer sheets will keep your garments smelling fresh and clean like they’ve come straight from the laundry.
- – If your luggage is marked as “Fragile,” it should be handled more carefully by baggage personnel. Plus, it’ll likely be put on top of the other bags.
- – Grab a binder clip and clamp it onto the blades of your razor when you pack. This will save you from any accidental—and painful—injuries.
- – You don’t need to go out and buy expensive and flashy luggage. Use a plain basic suitcase and tie a bright ribbon around one of the handles.
- – When you’re packing, wrap your shoes up in shower caps. This will prevent the bottoms from dirtying the rest of your clothes.
- – Whether you’re flying or driving, keep all your chargers and power cords in a good-sized sunglasses case.
- – You know those pill containers with little boxes for each day of the week? They’re also a great way to store and organize your jewelry when you’re traveling.
- – Keep your shirt collars nice and crisp by lining them with a belt.
- – Most airlines provide a pillow and blanket so that passengers can get a nap during the flight. Take that little pillow and put it behind your lower back.
- – If you’re going to be switching time zones, start making changes to your sleep pattern the day before you leave.
- – The air inside airplane cabins tends to be very dry. Drink plenty of water or another drink that contains electrolytes, to prevent dehydration.